The Answers You Need
At Frevolt, we provide end-to-end services for rooftop solar installations by designing your system, offering you multiple quotations, assisting in applying for metering and availing the government subsidy, hassle-free on-site installation and post-installation service for 5 years.
General Queries
How do solar panels work?
Solar panels are made up of solar cells or photovoltaic cells (PV). They are arranged in several arrays and generate electricity from sunlight falling on them.
What are the different models for using solar energy generated from a rooftop system?
There are three ways in which solar energy generated can be used -
On-grid: The solar energy is fed to the grid
Off-grid: Solar energy is used for self-consumption. This required large batteries and inverters for energy storage during outages.
Hybrid: Solar panels remain connected to the grid and have a backup battery system to store excess power.
What are the components of a rooftop solar energy unit?
Grid-connected/ on-grid unit
Solar panel - Solar cells on the panel convert the solar energy into DC electrical energy
Solar inverter - The inverter converts DC energy into AC power. The inverter also synchronizes with the grid so that generated power from the module can be injected into the grid.
Bi-directional/ net meters - Bi-direction (or Net-Meters) are used to keep track of the electricity that the solar PV system injects into the utility grid and the electricity that is drawn from the utility grid.
Balancing system - These consist of cables, switchboards, junction boxes, earthing system, circuit breaker, fuses, lightning protection system, etc.
Off-grid unit
Solar panel - Solar cells on the panel convert the solar energy into DC electrical energy
Solar inverter - The inverter converts DC energy into AC power. The inverter also synchronizes with the grid so that generated power from the module can be injected into the grid.
Battery - Batteries are used to store the DC power generated, which can be used when there are outages, during night hours and cloudy weather.
Balancing system - These consist of cables, switchboards, junction boxes, earthing systems, circuit breakers, fuses, lightning protection systems, etc.
Can solar energy be used without a battery?
Yes, solar energy generated can be used without batteries, if you are ready to take electricity from the connected grid whenever there is an outage.
Does solar energy system generate the same output throughout the day?
The efficiency of the solar system depends on the weather. Hence, the output reduces during cloudy weather. Also during the night times, there is no energy generation.
Do solar panels work when the weather is cloudy?
Yes. Solar panels do work on a cloudy day but at a reduced efficiency.
Installation and Maintenance
How much time does it take to install a solar PV system?
On average, installing a rooftop solar PV system takes about 4-6 weeks.
Will I have to change my electrical fittings after the solar panel installation?
No, there is no need to change the electrical fittings in your house. The inverter converts the DC output of the panel into AC power, which is further supplied to the appliances in a home, and also synchronizes with the grid so that the generated power can be fed into the grid.
How much rooftop area will be required for 1KW installation?
A minimum of 100 square feet, which is shadow-free, is required for every Kilowatt of installation.
What are the different models for implementation?
CAPEX - In this model, the consumer bears the cost of the system and owns it.
Power purchase agreement (PPA)- In this model, the entire system is owned by a third-party developer. The consumer buys the power at a fixed tariff from the developer as per the power purchase agreement. The responsibility of maintaining the system is also with the third-party developer.
Deferred payment agreement (DPA) - In this model, the cost of installation is initially borne by the installer. The consumer then pays monthly instalments at a pre-decided interest rate and at the end of full payment, the ownership of the system is transferred to the consumer.
The CAPEX and DPA model have added benefits like Accelerated depreciation and relaxation in taxes for the consumer as the ownership of the system is with the consumer.
What is a feed-in tariff?
Feed-in-tariff is a policy that is adopted nationwide. It enables anyone who generates electricity from renewable energy sources – be it a homeowner, small business or a large electricity utility - to sell it to the grid and receive guaranteed long-term payments at a predetermined rate for energy transferred. In feed-in tariff, the Government offers a tariff for the purchase of solar power generated from such plants.
What is gross metering?
The total electricity generated by the solar system is injected into the grid, and the consumer imports electricity from the grid for consumption. A unidirectional meter or gross meter is used to measure the solar energy generated and injected into the grid. The import meter is used to measure the electricity imported by the consumer from the grid. At the end of the settlement period, the consumer is compensated for the electricity exported to the grid at the Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) rate (which is generally lower than the retail rate) determined by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission.
What is net metering?
The electricity generated by the rooftop solar system is consumed by the user and any excess electricity is injected into the grid. In case more power is required, the consumer can draw that power from the grid. A bi-directional meter is used to measure the net consumption. The consumer is only charged for the ‘net’ energy utilised – the difference between the energy produced through the rooftop system and the energy consumed from the grid over the billing period. This is very beneficial for the consumer as the compensation is at the retail rate.
What is net billing?
While net metering will compensate you at the retail rate, net billing will compensate you at the lesser supply or wholesale rate. In this system too, a bidirectional meter is used to measure the import and export of electricity. In case, the export from the rooftop is more than the import of electricity from the grid, the consumer is compensated at a fixed rate/ wholesale rate. In case, the export is less than the import, the excess consumption is billed at the retail rate. This benefits the distribution company as they receive power from the rooftop system at a lower rate and sell power from the grid at a higher rate.
How to clean solar panels?
Solar panels get dirty due to dust, bird droppings and other materials. This can reduce the efficiency of the panels, hence panels need to be cleaned regularly.
Use a non-abrasive sponge and soapy water to clean the panels. Wash it with running water. Do not use any high-pressure water because this might damage the panels. There are several agencies that provide professional cleaning services as well as cleaning machines available in the market. It is advisable to clean your panels almost every day on your own and get the panels cleaned professionally twice every month.
What is the average life of a single solar panel?
The average life of a single solar panel is about 25 years.
Which appliances run on a rooftop solar system?
On a typical 3KW, you can run all appliances like a fan, refrigerator, washing machine, cooler, lights and mixer. You will mostly not be able to run a one-ton AC, only from the power generated by the rooftop. However, you can always draw this power from the grid during summer when the usage of AC is required or install a higher capacity rooftop system to run your ACs.
Can solar rooftop system charge EV?
EV charging can be done using solar power. There are several factors that need to be taken into account-
Type of charger used
Rooftop solar system size: Typically needs 5KW and more capacity
The vehicle battery level
How often do you travel and how far do you drive?
What permits and approvals are required to install a solar PV system?
No permits are required for installing solar on your rooftop. Permission would, however, be required for installing the net meter or gross meter (whichever is applicable for your state) at your premise. This permission is given by your power distributor after your fill in your application form, submit the required documents and receive permission to install the meter at your premise from the distributor.
Is there an subsidy given by the government for installing solar rooftop system?
Subsidy or central financial assistance (CFA) is available only for residential sector grid-connected solar rooftop projects.
Central Financial Assistance (CFA)* to the Residential sector is as below:
For the calculation of CFA, the PV plant capacity will be the inverter capacity or the PV module capacity, whichever is lower. For availing CFA, the PV module and cell shall be manufactured in India only.
Can I get a loan for installing a solar rooftop system?
There are several banks that provide loans for installing solar rooftop systems. The financing options can be accessed here -
How much will a rooftop solar system for my home cost, currently?
Below is the price range without subsidy.
1 KW rooftop solar system: ₹70,000 to ₹1,10,000
2 KW rooftop solar system: ₹1,40,000 to ₹1,80,000
3 KW rooftop solar system: ₹1,80,000 to ₹2,40,000
4 KW rooftop solar system: ₹2,40,000 to ₹3,20,000
5 KW rooftop solar system: ₹3,00,000 to ₹4,00,000
10 kW rooftop solar system: ₹6,00,000 to ₹8,00,000
This price varies depending on the market price of solar panels and solar inverter.