Rooftop solar systems for your house can help you reduce your electricity bills as well as earn additional income by selling the excess energy to your electricity provider. This can make you energy independent as well as reduce your carbon footprints. Consumers are often confused over the ways in which one can install a rooftop solar for one's home.
How does rooftop solar work?
Photovoltaic (PV) panels are used in rooftop solar systems to convert sunlight into electricity. The silicon cells that make up the PV panels are encased in two layers of conductive material. Electrons are excited when sunlight hits silicon cells; these electrons are then caught by conductive layers and directed into an inverter.
The inverter transforms the electricity generated by the PV panels from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), which may then be used in your home or exported to the grid or stored in battery systems. The electrical panel in your home is where the AC electricity is distributed to the circuits and appliances.
Rooftop solar systems enable you to produce your own power, lessen your reliance on the grid, and minimize your utility costs.
Types of rooftop solar systems for your house
There are three main types of rooftop solar systems that you can install on your house: on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid.
1. On-grid or grid connected

The most typical solar system utilized in residential buildings is an on-grid solar system. These utility-connected devices enable homes to produce their own power while still being a part of the grid. Homeowners may obtain energy bill credits when the solar panels generate more electricity than their residence needs. The surplus power is routed back into the system.
On-grid/ grid connected systems are the most commonly found systems in India, In this case, the home with rooftop solar is connected to the main electricity grid. During the daytime, the rooftop solar system produces electricity which is used for self consumption of the house. If the rooftop system produces excess energy than that needed by the home, this excess is exported to the grid and homeowners may obtain energy bill credits for the same. On the other hand, if the house requires more energy than that generated by the rooftop, this additional energy is imported from the grid. At the end of the billing cycle, the homeowner is charged based on the net electricity units imported or exported.
2. Off-grid System

Off-grid solar power systems are often utilized in distant areas where connecting to the grid is costly or impossible. These are typically found in agricultural lands in India where grid connectivity is difficult.These systems are self-sufficient and provide all of the home's energy requirements using solar energy. This kind of system needs a battery bank to store extra energy produced throughout the day for usage at night or during times when there is less sunshine. The cost of this system is on the higher side as compared to an on-grid systems, as battery banks are expensive in India.
3. Hybrid Solar Systems

On-grid and off-grid solar power systems are combined to create hybrid systems. While still being plugged into the grid, these systems enable households to produce their own electricity. They also include a battery backup that may be utilized in case of power outages or times of heavy energy demand. Due to its ability to provide homeowners the best of both worlds by enabling them to produce their own electricity as well as having a backup system in case of crises, hybrid systems are growing in popularity.
In general, your energy requirements, geography, and financial situation will determine the kind of rooftop solar system you choose!.