Net metering allows rooftop solar users to sell excess energy generated by their solar system to the state electricity grid. The customer is billed for the net electricity consumed at the end of the month. Net metering is beneficial to consumers who would otherwise have to store the excess energy generated in expensive batteries.
The state of Maharashtra adopted net metering in 2015 through the Draft Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (Net Metering for Rooftop Solar Systems) Regulations, 2015.
Accordingly, the size of the Renewable Energy Generating System that can be set up under Net Metering Arrangement and Net Billing Arrangement would be a minimum of 1 kW and a maximum of 1MW. The capacity of the Renewable Energy Generating System to be connected at the Eligible Consumer’s premises can be 100 per cent of the Sanctioned load (in kW).
There are a total of 5 power distribution agencies in the state of Maharashtra
Tata Power
Torrent Power
Until 2015, 82 per cent of the sales came from Mahavitaran, making it the largest power distributor.
Application process with MAHADISCOM (Mahavitaran)
Step 1: Visit the link - https://css.mahadiscom.in/UI/ROOFTOP/PVNewApplication.aspx to make the application for rooftop solar
The first section is General details. You will have to type in your customer number which is available on your electricity bill and all other details will be auto-filled in this section.

The second section is Technical details. Remember to select MNRE-RTS-PH-II-Subsidy under Scheme Name if you are a residential customer. Also, the Solar Inverter AC Capacity should be more than the RE-sanctioned capacity.

Rest other sections are auto-filled

Step 2: Payment
You will have to pay Rs. 500 if you are a consumer having Sanctioned Load or Contract Demand up to 20 kW and Rs 100 thereafter for every 20 kW or part thereof.
Step 3: Choose the agency
You will have to choose the agency that will be installing your system from the list of empanelled agencies.
Step 4: Upload the documents
Copy of the latest paid electricity bill.
Adhaar Card
Proof of payment of Registration Fee.
a) If RE Generating system is self-owned
1. Technical details of Renewable Energy Generating Station, Inverter and other equipment of the System proposed to be installed. (Mandatory)
2. General Power of Attorney in favour of the signatory in case of Partnership Firms; certified true copy of the Resolution, authorizing the signatory to deal with the concerned Distribution Licensee, passed by the Board of Directors in case of Companies (as applicable).
b) If RE Generating system is not self-owned 1. In addition to above in (a), Third Party Leasing Agreement. (Mandatory)
c) If RE System Capacity is 200 KW and above 1. In addition to the above in (a), Electrical Inspector Permission (Mandatory)
Step 5: Post-application and commissioning of the plant
If found technically feasible, MSCDEL shall, within 7 working days of the completion of the feasibility study, convey its approval for installing the Roof-top Solar PV System. The approval shall indicate the maximum permissible capacity of the System and shall be valid for a period of 6 months from the date of approval, or such extended period as may be agreed to by BEST.
The Applicant shall, within the period of validity of such approval, submit the following documents
The work completion report
Property papers
Net metering fee
Technical specifications of the system
Test reports received from manufacturer/system provider
Request to MSCDEL for the testing and commissioning of the Roof-top Solar PV System.
MSCDEL shall complete the testing and commissioning of the System within 10 working days from receipt of such request, and shall install the Net Metering equipment and synchronise the Roof-top Solar PV System within 10 working days thereafter.
The Eligible Consumer and MSCDEL shall enter into a Net Metering Connection Agreement in the prescribed format after the Roof-Top Solar PV System is installed but before it is synchronized with the distribution Network. The Connection Agreement shall remain in force for twenty years.
The format of the agreement can be downloaded from here - https://www.mahadiscom.in/consumer/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Annexure-3-Net-Metering-Connection-Agreement.pdf
The agreement needs to be done on 200 rupees stamp paper.
Application with BEST
The procedure is offline and details are provided on the below link
Application with Tata Power
Online Application portal - https://cp.tatapower.com:3443/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/zepcrm_solar_appl?CA_NUMBER=null&sap-client=500#
Application with Adani
Application form format - https://www.adanielectricity.com/-/media/Project/Electricity/RoofTop-Solr/162RooftopSolarPV.pdf
Connection Agreement format - https://www.adanielectricity.com/-/media/Project/Electricity/RoofTop-Solr/Net-Metering-Connection-Agreement-for-web.pdf
Torrent Power has a low footprint in Maharashtra. It is operational only in the Bhiwandi area.