Frevolt issues solar rooftop quotations to its customers when providing estimates for residential or commercial solar installations. These quotations contain certain unique markers that can help identify them as being generated by Frevolt. Let's take a look at some key things to look for:

Customer property ID
All Frevolt quotations will contain a unique customer property profile ID number. This ID is generated when a customer's property details are entered into Frevolt's system. The ID looks like a long string of random letters and numbers, for example "0WgWX21rRAuQTWu1hLrSwg". Having this ID allows Frevolt to link the quotation back to the specific customer’s property in their database.
Property Details
The quotation will contain details of the property where the solar installation is being proposed. This includes the customer name, address and electricity bill/consumer number. This property information is captured during the site survey and proposal stage.
Frevolt Logo and Contact Details
Frevolt's logo and company contact details like addresses, phone numbers and emails will be displayed prominently on the quotation. This clearly identifies that the document has been issued by Frevolt.
Quotation ID
Each quotation provided Frevolt is assigned a unique Quotation ID. This ID, again in the format of a random character string like "J3gGBiycTCu38ibAs2ZXfg", links the technical specification and pricing to a particular quotation.

So in summary, the key markers to identify a Frevolt solar quotation are the customer property ID and Quotation ID. Additionally one should also check for frevolt logo and contact details mentioned. Checking for these unique identifiers can help validate that a solar proposal document is an authentic Frevolt quotation.